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Women in Construction share advice for National Careers Week

In celebration of International Women’s Day and Careers Week, we asked our partners to share their journey and advice for women considering a career in the construction industry.

Georgia Freeman, Quantity Surveyor, Burmor Construction

“I would say that as women, we should make judgements on our own and have the confidence to try. This is an industry that can be both challenging and fulfilling for anybody, and all are welcome. You have only got to look at Burmor Construction, and our 50% female Quantity Surveying team, to see that, and to know that we can all make a difference to an industry that never stands still.

I spent years trying to work out where I would fit, and looking back would have grasped the opportunity to get into construction at 16 and not wait until she had the confidence (and access) at 23.”

Harriet Hosking, Assistant Business Manager, Burmor Construction

“My background is predominantly retail, specifically in fine jewellery, and after being made redundant I was put forward for a job with the Chartered Institute of Building which opened the door to an industry that I had never considered; I can safely say I will never look back.

Being surrounded by hard working, intelligent people every day is extremely motivating, and it is an industry with endless opportunities. The construction industry is on a journey to challenge misconceptions but from our perspective, there is a place for you, your background, and your strengths.”

Niamh Southwell, Apprentice Site Manager, BAM Construction

“My advice to anyone considering coming into the industry, is that if you are passionate about a career in construction don’t let anything hold you back. There will be times where you may be put in situations that challenge you but look at these as learning opportunity.

When it comes to misconceptions, the idea that construction is a male industry is outdated. Whilst as a young woman you are typically of a minority out on site, I currently work on a site where half of our BAM site team are female, so the industry is changing and moving away from this.”

Clair Brittain

Claire Brittain, Senior Site Manager, BAM Construction

‘The best advice I can give is never give up on your dreams and always follow your heart, you will get where you hope to in the end and the journey along the way makes it that much more special when you do.

If you are passionate about what you do you will always find a way.’

Natalie Palframan, Key Account Manager (North), Procure Partnerships Framework

“I have worked in the construction industry for 8 years now, and have seen more and more women come into managerial roles in recent years.

I’m part of a team with a 50/50 gender split which just shows the industry is moving in the right direction and is open to all.”

Kate Daley, Social Value Engagement Manager, Galliford Try Building (North West)

“It’s not all hard hats and hi-viz in construction! There’s lots of opportunity in roles like design, planning, social value, HR, project management, and more, so don’t hold back. You only regret the things you don’t do!”

Hannah Williams, Business Coordinator, Galliford Try Building (North West)

“There is a part to play in construction for everyone. Be who you want to be, break down the stereotypes of a man’s world, and believe in yourself to have a career in construction. You can achieve anything you put your mind to.”

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