News & Insights

What’s new in Compliance Chain

You asked, we listened. We’ve been working with our members to add key features that help you showcase your compliance, win more work and communicate effectively with your supply chain.

Showcase your compliance

We know how important it is for contractors to prove they are PAS91 compliant, and how attractive it is to clients who are looking to appoint contractors, or subcontractors. That’s why we’ve added a new feature to the Compliance Chain platform that allows subcontractor members to add third party accreditations to the system.

So, if you hold accreditations with SSIP, CHAS, Constructionline, SMAS or other – you can add it to your profile along with the level and expiry date. Accreditations are showcased on your dashboard, which is searchable by principal contractors and clients building their tender lists.

Mitigating risk with the Risk Review tool

Principal Contractors and Clients can save time and mitigate risk in their supply chains by using the Risk Review tool, which compiles all the data from a subcontractor or material supplier dashboard, providing you with a traffic light risk rating.

The rating looks at whether areas of compliance have been checked and verified, accreditations and insurances are in date, and if their Delphi score is within low risk of failure parameters.

Direct notifications to encourage best practice communication with your supply chains

Contractors are encouraged to submit monthly reports to their client through the Compliance Chain Project Management function, ensuring a clear line of communication between contractor and client.

We received feedback from our members that direct notifications would make this process smoother for both client and contractor, so we’ve made that happen. Clients and contractors now receive direct notifications when it’s time to submit a KPI report, and when the report has been submitted.

These are just a handful of updates we’ve implemented after listening to your feedback, and there’s more where that came from. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay up to date with product updates, and check out what Compliance Chain can do for your business by watching the video below, or book a demo with a member of the team today.

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